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Inspiring curiosity in all our learners! 


This CRST rationale explains the principles of how we have designed the curriculum for pupils and how these principles underpin how we have selected the things we want them to learn.  

This subject-specific rationale demonstrates how we have selected what we want pupils to learn and how the order has been arrived at so that pupils make progress in their learning.  We have a three – year Key Stage 3 building on Key Stage 2 and leading into KS 4 and 5. 




Our vision for Science

We strive to give pupils the best in Science. Through high expectation, variety and relationships we model and expect engagement, enthusiasm, and excellence from all stakeholders in the Science department. 

Within our staff we expect that all contribute to our shared vision, foster a strong supportive team bond, drawing on areas of expertise and sharing skills to build professional capacity. We believe in the importance of continual department professional development and ensure collaborative planning both in our own school and within the Trust and that staff are motivated, engaged and work effectively to achieve ambitious goals. 

We want students to enjoy their science experience, understand why science is important and look forward to their science lessons. They should gain skills as well as knowledge and be challenged and supported in their Science experience. Expert knowledge remains as the key driver to everything we do -our high expectations of staff and students promote our aim to achieve outcomes well above average. 



The content of our Curriculum for Science 

In Science we have three key stages which aims to build on KS2 prior learning, and each key stage builds on the previous key stage. 

We have established a curriculum intent through our own and Co-design collaborative planning which is robust and evolving as collaborations continue. Proactive line management, clear leadership and quality communication ensures consistency in curriculum delivery for all pupils. Please see the SOW documents for detailed planning. 

The key rationale behind our ambitious curriculum is to develop EXPERT scientists reinforcing the CRST KASE entitlement. 


This is fundamental to everything we do. Carefully selected units throughout each key stage ensure that substantive knowledge and concepts are connected. This is clearly seen in the concept of Photosynthesis, at KS3 in year 7, students study about cells and their key components to ensure photosynthesis can happen, this learning continues in year 9 where students are taught explicitly about the process, this further connects to the learning at KS4 where students are expected to investigate photosynthesis and identify and explain the variables that can affect the rate of photosynthesis.  

Building in their disciplinary knowledge ensures that students know how to ‘think like scientists’ by the end of key stage 4, demonstrated through key assessments and lesson conversations.  

We want students to become EXPERT and ensure that students can achieve this by using expert keywords, challenging previously acceptable levels of learning and use these in the oracy part of the lessons and in their written communications.  


Students need to develop as learners to draw on and further develop expert knowledge and the “ASE” part of the student entitlement supports pupil development through: 

Attributes: our science curriculum challenges pupils to develop resilience to maintain their enthusiasm and ethos for challenging lessons. That students can become risk tolerant learners, prepared to take on the challenges and become reflective in their learning.  

Skills: curriculum structure is supported by lessons which are varied in that it gives the opportunity for students to learn not only the necessary skills for science, but also to engage students in the skills identified by the trust as important in the building of confident and creative learners. 

A key part of our curriculum is to apply and reinforce expert learning through experiences: this is an integral part of the Science rationale and continues to grow and develop as staff are given opportunities to develop their own experiences to pass onto students and where we have the confidence to identify good experiences and share these with the students. This includes the classroom experience of practicals, discussion, challenge and team/group work. Good examples of outside the classroom experiences include GCSE “Action in Science” days, Medic training, Faraday challenges and CREST style science clubs engaging pupils from feeder schools. Our emphasis is on ensuring that we take the opportunities where we see them. We ensure that careers in science are also discussed and shared with students and continue to see this as an ongoing development within the department and School as we begin to focus our efforts on a STEM culture. 

Co-design has allowed us and will allow us to ensure quality assurance across the trust, collaborative working aids the reflection of our curriculum orders and allows staff to continue this dialogue of “Why here and Why now?” not only amongst themselves but also share with students during lessons.  



We take inclusion extremely seriously and ensure that all students receive the same basic diet in Science as identified in our curriculum intent through all key stages, whilst ensuring that the students receive an appropriate depth for their individual needs and support. We have a full KS3 national curriculum or better diet to ensure that students maintain their experience and enjoyment of Science.  

The curriculum is tailor made to give all pupils the opportunity to experience practical work, the separate sciences and value science as potentially supporting future career decisions. Our curriculum should make everyone feel successful as a Scientist.  

Overview and Assessment Information 

Please refer to the subject Curriculum and Assessment Overview documents for an overview of specific topics and assessments.  

Assessment timeframes can be found in the subject assessment overview documents

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B45 9EL

0121 453 5211